Your 10 Characteristics Are at Risk for Stroke Later

Can we know if we risk stroke? Although there is no sure way to know that you will have a stroke or not throughout your life, there are some signs that you are at high risk of stroke. The good news is that you can do something about these signs so you can significantly reduce your stroke risk. Uncontrolled blood pressure If you consistently have high blood pressure or if you try to avoid finding out your blood pressure, that is bad news. The good news is that blood pressure can be treated with medication, diet and lifestyle adjustments such as reducing stress and not smoking. Make sure you visit your doctor to find out your blood pressure, and under the supervision of a doctor, start making changes if needed. High blood sugar Irregular blood sugar, can chronically increase blood sugar or uncontrolled diabetes can damage blood vessels, increasing your risk of stroke. Be sure to check regularly with your doctor so that you get diabetes screening and proper treatment through diet or medic...